Thursday, April 28, 2011

wind out of my sails.

In the past 2 weeks I will have seen 3 different doctors, had a chest x-ray, an abdominal ultrasound, my blood work done, my back adjusted, a lung capacity test done, and a year supply of prescription inhalers written for me.

Hi, my name is Amy and I'm sort of falling apart.

Then to top it off the week of this long anticipated Iron Girl that I've been training 4 months for, I totally get sick, can't eat anything and sleeeeep my life away for a few days... while I should be swimming, going for a few bike rides & some runs, eating super healthy status while drinking lots of water.

None of which happened because of the sick sleeping factor.

I know all too well that what happens the week of a race will totally have an affect on the actual day... which makes me feel like the wind has been sucked out of my sails, so-to-speak.

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
-Theodore Roosevelt

So that's all I can do at this point... *TRY* 
And the good thing is, since it's my first official triathlon ever,
there are no expectations except to finish, right?
In the midst of this craziness I'm fighting to stay focused
so I visited good'ol REI sporting goods store for some last minute race goods
and to top it all off I had $15 worth of free REI money to use! Cha-ching!
hey- free money is free money baby!
Here's a few things I got:

My goodies included (from left to right) my favorite little sport electrolyte
 jelly beans, a new water bottle, silicone ear plugs, and
a mini bag that velcros to the middle bar on my bike.

Is it weird that the little things totally get me excited??

 Now wish me luck, pray for me,
 & rub your lucky rabbits foot for all I know...
I'll be needing all the help I can get for this race!

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